County Daily Herald -
" Foray into Painting Leads to Life Changes
It had been almost 20 years since Diane Powers traveled to France as a student,
set up to study with an internationally-acclaimed artist (Patrick Betaudier).
It wasn't until about seven years ago when a neighbor challenged her relationship
with God that Powers mind started to wander back to her days as an artist.
It wasn't long until Powers stepped back into her groove of painting (but) she
had lost contact with her mentor Betaudier.
A few years later, she held her first art show in Lake Forest and had mailed
out invitiations...about the event. Not only did dozens of people show up, but
all the sudden Powers looked up from the crowd and was standing face-to-face
with none other than Betaudier.
(Patrick said) "I was staying with a friend in Wilmette and I got this"
he said holding up her invitation.
"This was an answer to where I was asking God for help" (said
Since then, she kept in close contact with (Betaudier) and has
tried to perfect the unique style of painting.
An average painting will take her about 3 months to finish. But
(Powers) said she wouldn't have it any other way.